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Counseling Books
Each human being, by virtue of being created in God’s image, is entitled to living a fulfilled life free from the encumbrances of sin. None today enjoys that status in its fullness because all but the two perfectly formed by the hand of God are affected by sin. Dr. Sandra Wilson in her book Hurt People Hurt People clearly outlines that the effects of sin is perpetuated throughout all generations until someone makes the conscious choice to alter the normal trends of life’s customs and sometimes culture. When one embraces the fact that one can be transformed to the imitation of the Christ and begins the road to recovery hope is discovered or renewed, the healing process begins and relationships are strengthened. Biblical counseling holds to the thought that it is God’s will that all of humanity enjoy abundant life here and now and eternal life in the hereafter. We believe that God has equipped individuals to lead care-seekers through handling the personal and emotional issues that besets them and discover a better way to live.
Able Solution Counseling Ministries offers biblical counseling in:
[gn_column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]Addictions
Dependence on any substance or activity characterized by denial can be crippling and could lead to fatality if not handled responsibly. Find Biblical solutions in Christian Pastoral counseling. Find joy in living addiction free.
Learn how to be angry and not sin. Manage your anger, it can become love.
Feeling trapped? Have the desire to escape but can’t do it? Learn to be “on fire,” enjoying life for a lifetime and avoid the burnout syndrome.
Discover the alternative, it’s time to pray. We’ll direct you to the great Comforter.
Forgiveness is the pathway to true freedom. We have discovered it; we are willing to show you the way.
Keisha a young woman of eighteen years old, who never met her Dad, has never been an in-crowd girl. Bullied at school, life has not been fun; lost her mother, her friend just before her eighteenth birthday. Feeling lonely and hopeless, she can find hope, encouragement and friends. She does not have to be lonely. We will help.
The ingredients needed for children to reach their full potential are wrapped up in one of God’s marvelous gift, parenting. You can be a good parent; it’s a skill to be developed.
Events in life that deeply cause pain should not define you. Learn the donkey’s philosophy. “Shake it off and step it up”. Learn how.
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Defined as “lifestyle of deception” adultery affects the family and the church or civil community. Discover freedom through change; seek help now.
Extended intense anger and hostility becomes the monster of bitterness. Learn how to get rid of the monkey so you do not become an unwilling zoo keeper.
Learn the spiritual solution for effective resolution of the grieving process.
Envy and Jealousy
This toxic mix is not good for your health. It has to be overcome so you may live a happy joyful life.
It kills. Do not hide as Adam did (Genesis 3:10). Be forgiven and set free to live guiltless.
Money Concerns
It is the love of money that is the root of evil, not money. Learn how to prosper monetarily and recognize God as the giver of every good gift.
Self Esteem
This information is designed to correct false or erroneous beliefs about your significant. You are indeed a son or daughter of the Most High God (Galatians 4: 6).
Learn to live with far less anxiety and much more joy. Worry will never change your past or your future but it will gravely affect your present. Connect with the peacemaker, I know Him by name and nature. You can too.
There is much more that we do. Share your concerns, we will endeavor to help.