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Every human being on this earth is born into sin and is adversely affected by its effects. Though originally created in the image of God all of humanity suffers from this innate disease, sin. God in His goodness and mercy made the provision to rescue man from sin and reconcile the race to the likeness of God in which we were originally created.
It is with that objective of the individual being reconciled to the image of God that Able Solution Counseling Ministries was birthed in the minds of the directors of this ministry through the enlightening of the Holy Spirit. A multitasking Bible based short term solutions ministry Pastoral Counselors employ the skill and intellect of the psychologists and other mental health professionals but based its conclusions and solutions on the inerrant and authentic inspired Words of God in Scripture which is written for human’s admonition and proves profitable for “doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness), 2 Timothy 3:16.
[gn_quote style=”1″]Whatever the sin problem is that affects you, from addiction to worry, from A to Z, we believe that God will fulfill His promise to give you the Holy Spirit who comforts and soothes every besetment in your life.[/gn_quote]Called to ministry at a young age L. Charles Walton added his own interpretation to God’s call and pursued education preparing him for the Teaching profession instead of pastoral responsibilities. He further embarked upon salesmanship excelling to executive position in the Life Insurance industry. Attended by God’s grace he received many awards of distinction, was featured in Ebony Magazine among Who Is Who in U.S.Black Executives in the 1980’s. He further chooses to pursue other challenges and founded a healthcare training school in Atlanta, Georgia. After taking this to levels of excellence he felt committed to answering God’s call on his life. He returned to school completing a Masters degree in Pastoral Counseling now dedicates his life to “Soul – care.” A member of the American Association of Christian Counselors, AACC, I am committed in service to God to helping, individuals and families reach their God-given potential to achieving excellence. Whatever the sin problem is that affects you, from addiction to worry, from A to Z, we believe that God will fulfill His promise to give you the Holy Spirit who comforts and soothes every besetment in your life. Our counselors are spirit-filled Bible believing Christians committed to helping you to discover a “better way to live”. We will help you to achieve excellence in this life and eternal life when Christ comes the second time.